Genetic Counseling
What is Genetic Counseling and why is it important?
Genetic counseling is an informative discussion that involves educating patients and their families about the occurrence or recurrence of a genetic disorder in the family. Genetic counselors are experts in medical genetics and counseling. They have in-depth knowledge on various appropriate tests available and are experienced in providing unbiased, ethical, and accurate information in a simple and precise manner. They act like an extended arm for clinicians and doctors.
The genetic counselor explains the following to the family:
- Genetic basis of their clinical disorder, the inheritance pattern, and the recurrence risk
- Availability of various tests
- Appropriate course of action in view of their risk, family goals, ethical, and religious standards
- Social and psychological support
When should you recommend Genetic Counseling to your patients?
Here are the situations when medical experts/doctors/clinicians may recommend their patients/families to visit a genetic counselor:
- Family history of a genetic condition or birth defect
- A couple in a consanguineous marriage
- Women who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy at the age of 35 years or above
- General concern of to-be parents about the genetic health of their baby
- Bad obstetric history or multiple miscarriages
- Death of a child due to a genetic condition
- Antenatal ultrasound or pregnancy screening tests indicating a possible risk
- Family history of cancer, or a young age of onset of cancer
Genetic Counseling
An information, education, and service hub for both patients and doctors.